
Bedroom in the Hi-Tech style - the specifics of the style, materials and methods of decoration, furniture options, layout nuances

For those who prefer perfect cleanliness and order in everything, follow the latest in various fields, the hi-tech bedroom design will be the best solution. There is no place for chaos, everything is perfect and organized with the latest technology.

If earlier it was used selectively, now the style is in the lead, especially in small rooms.

History of stylistics

The name style got from 2 words "higt stile" (from the English high style). This trend is characterized by: universality, manufacturability, minimalism and practicality.

Style appeared in the 1970s, when it was called "complex simplicity."

Reference! Modern designers bring their vision of hi-tech in extraordinary solutions, a game of contrasts. It can be briefly described as "minimalism with an upgrade."

High Tech Features

The style is easily recognizable, peculiar to it:

Minimalism in everything, looks better in spacious rooms, but is often used in small apartments.

Multifunctional usability. Any thing (a bed, a curbstone or an armchair) only seems simple, but it has hidden possibilities.

The clarity of the lines. The shape of furniture and fixtures with the correct geometry: squares, circles, ovals or rectangles.

Different materials are used: metal and glass, expensive plastic and stone. Traditional materials must be forgotten, for example, wood. High-quality imitation is allowed. In textiles, preference is given to natural fabrics: silk, linen, cotton, satin or satin, as well as polyester, organza of unexpected colors.

Multilevel lighting even in the bedroom. Windows do not matter, but there is always a lot of light. Spotlights are especially effective, they will be repeatedly reflected in the surrounding glass and metal (chrome). Used "cold shades" of light neon tones: blue-violet, emerald, sparkling.

Color spectrum. Basic shades: white, gray and black. But the main role is played by bright creative accents. It can be scarlet pillows, a purple floor vase, green ottomans near a coffee glass table, etc.

The severity of style is always diluted with unusual elements that are striking. For a long time, only black and white interiors of a hi-tech bedroom have not been used.

The style of the novelty of technological “chips” is characteristic, which often makes the interior look like a science fiction film. This can be expressed in cosmic colors, shapes, or the content of a thing. If in modernity the technique is often hidden, then it is on display, organically fit into the overall design.


The main materials are metal and plastic, a lot of glass and various fittings. The inferiority of artificial materials is compensated by their modern complex processing with electronic “stuffing”:

  • Metal - more often chrome in details, metallic color in the trend. Door handles are often made of anodized aluminum.
  • Glass is most often used in tables, chairs or shelves.
  • Textile. Curtains, bedspreads more often than calm tones.
  • Fur is a nice exception. Soft pile and aesthetics visually warms a strict interior and metallic and neon shine.

The ceilings

Ceilings are ideal in 2 solutions of free themes:

  • multi-level drywall,
  • stretch glossy ceilings without seams.

If traditional white plaster, then communications need to be hidden.

Designers recommend a laminate (parquet board) of gray-black tones, rarely white.

Bulk floor - a great ultramodern option.


There are necessarily practical and multifunctional items, the required minimum:

  • convertible bed (on the podium, with drawers, etc.),
  • coffee glass table,
  • wardrobe built into the panel.

In the trend, beds without legs can be mounted on walls. Zero-gravity furnishings, suspended structures.

White furniture in a hi-tech bedroom looks spectacular.

Mandatory multi-level lighting:

  • built-in ranks of spotlights,
  • bright spotlights on the ceiling,
  • LED and halogen lamps,
  • fixtures string (pendant) on 2 strings.

Lighting is always creative, with a twist: the “starry sky”, colored LEDs around the bed, nano-lamps (imitation of windows suspended from the ceiling).

Color palette

The main colors are black and white, metallic and all shades of gray.

If snow-white is taken as a basis, then beige tones are excluded. Bright accents of contrasting colors are required. Freedom in colors, more often used spectra of blue, green and purple. But you can add elements of bright red, yellow or orange.

Important! In the room, highlight the "focus point" - a bright accent. It can be a multicolor ceiling with neon lights, a decorative panel, a scarlet armchair and carpet, etc.

As a decor, you can hang on the wall a clock of geometric shapes or an alarm clock-radio.

On the bedside tables you can put digital photo frames, original musical nightlights with backlight, etc.

Such designs cannot be boring, interiors always amaze with creativity, technical innovations and bright details.

Check out the high-tech bedroom photo.

Style characteristic

Clear lines and a minimum of excess are inherent in a high-tech bedroom. Decorative elements are not provided, and if they are found, then in a very small amount. But even they will be restrained.

It is preferable to use calm cold shades of several colors. A restrained burgundy or red will help to make the interior brighter.

Large plasma TV, fanciful lighting - what you need to decorate the bedroom. Remember that clear lines and shapes must be present everywhere.

High-tech style goes well with the smart home system.

Decorating the interior of a high-tech bedroom, use objects made of metal, glass and plastic. Think of interesting highlights and chrome details.

You should understand that due to the availability of the latest elements of technology, this style is quite expensive, but the result will certainly please you.

It is worth warning that hi-tech denies the use of “romantic” shades such as pink. Bright colors should be used only as accents.

Small square

You certainly saw a high-tech bedroom photo. Usually the rooms are quite spacious, which allows to realize the fantasies of the designer. Do not be upset if your room is small, you just need the most comfortable design of all the details.

Visually increase the area will help the use of at least 3 colors. It is also worth taking care of good lighting. The backlight is mounted not only in the ceiling, but also in furniture and walls.


A stretch ceiling is what you need for a given interior. Colors are best used white, black and gray.

The film used in stretch ceilings perfectly reflects light, which helps to increase the area of ​​the room. In addition, it looks very beautiful and will certainly please you.

The material is worth choosing calm tones, smooth and without a pattern.

What is high-tech in bedroom design?

The bedroom of a modern person should be functional and rational. Sometimes it looks more like scenery for a fantasy film than a cozy room for sleeping and relaxing.

Hi-tech for bedroom design is usually chosen by young people who live a dynamic life. Also, fans of this style are bachelors who prefer a strict and restrained interior, as well as a minimum of decor.

The severity of the lines is typical for high-tech style

Geometric shapes are an integral part of bedroom design. Strict lines begin on the ceiling, then move onto pieces of furniture and end on the floor. You should carefully consider the selection of lighting devices. It is recommended to opt for a chandelier and fixtures with chrome trim, as additional sources of light you can use sconces, spotlights and LED zone lighting.

For walls, you should choose plain pastel colored wallpapers, as well as panels with a texture similar to wood, leather or stone. On one of the walls of the bedroom you can emphasize using photo wallpaper with bright geometric shapes.

For walls, plain light-colored wallpapers are suitable.

High-tech bedroom interior features with photo

The main feature of this stylistic trend is the simplicity of lines and general minimalism.

High-tech style in the interior of the bedroom has such characteristic features:

  1. Most of the room is occupied by free space, the room is not cluttered with interior items.
  2. For interior design, only simple lines and textures are used.
  3. The room has simple furniture, which can be transformed if necessary.
  4. The color scheme is dominated by calm pastel shades.
  5. Bright tones are allowed only for accents.
  6. For interior decoration, elements with metal inserts are used.
  7. No floral print allowed.
  8. The room uses modern high-tech equipment.
  9. Good lighting.
  10. Feeling of free unearthly space.

Features of interior decoration

For the high-tech direction in the bedroom, clear lines are characteristic, as well as a general restrained beauty. Designers do not recommend using decorative elements to decorate bedrooms. In the interior of the room, the presence of photographs in a strict metal frame or a vase of the correct form is allowed.

In this style, the contrast of the shades of all surfaces should be clearly traced according to the degree of brightness and saturation, but colors from a cold palette are also allowed. The most popular for this direction are white, brown, gray and black colors, and for emphasis - red or burgundy.

In hi-tech style, the contrast of colors should be clearly visible.

In the design of the ceiling and walls, even lines and geometric shapes should be used, such elements may be present in furniture and other interior elements. High-tech does not accept smooth lines, roundness and curls. All equipment that will be installed in the bedroom should be built-in and consistent with this innovative style, neon lighting is also allowed.

Limited space

“In a small high-tech bedroom, designers recommend visually increasing the area using the right shades”

In many cases, when designing a bedroom in high-tech style, designers have to deal with the problem of limited space, which makes it difficult to realize creative ideas. The small size of the room forces you to carefully choose the color scheme for the walls, ceiling and floor, as well as furniture and other interior elements.

Built-in lights do not take up too much space

In a small high-tech bedroom, designers recommend visually increasing the area using the right shades. For this room, it is usually enough to use about 3 shades of neutral gamut. Also, properly selected lighting, including natural and artificial light, will help to cope with this task.

In a small bedroom, use about 3 shades of neutral colors.

Built-in lighting devices will not occupy an already limited space, so it is better to give preference to lamps that can be mounted in walls, ceilings or furniture.


For the walls of the bedroom, you need to choose a neutral calm tone. Bright colors can only be used for accents in the interior. It can be both lighting devices, and frames or pillows. Such colored elements will favorably emphasize the restrained severity of the bedroom and add a little color to the overall atmosphere.

For the walls of a bedroom in high-tech style, you can use a large gamut of colors, from light pastel to rich shades. The main decoration materials for this room are wallpaper or paint. Wallpaper, as a rule, creates an atmosphere of rigor. For a high-tech bedroom, it is recommended that non-woven fabrics of metallic shades be chosen. Such a material will create a reflection effect that is great for this modern trend. Also on the walls of the bedroom there may be polystyrene trim elements that will have a glossy sheen.

In such a room, furniture items of various colors will look good.


When designing a high-tech bedroom, one should not lose sight of a single detail, and special attention should be paid to window design. The style does not accept lush window decoration, as well as tassels, bows and beads. The best solution for the window of a modern room will be blinds, but they are more suitable for the design of office premises, rather than living rooms. An alternative would be Roman curtains or air curtain, which will become a barrier to sunlight and will be barely visible on the window. For small bedrooms, plain curtains are also suitable, which cover only half the window.

High-tech in the bedroom interior: style specifics

The formation of hi-tech is a story from the Pompidou Center, built in Paris in 1977 ... And until recent years, when a single direction was divided into "bio-tech" and "eco-tech." New trends, unlike hi-tech itself, do not argue, but try to make friends with nature.

Recall briefly: hi-tech is the territory of the latest, advanced technologies. Style, in particular, is inherent in:

  • the most relevant, revolutionary materials,
  • excess metal, plastic, glass,
  • sharp, clear, sharp lines, games with geometry,
  • the use of structures as an ornament, and industrial elements (pipes, ducts, communications) as a decor,
  • the primacy of industrial, steel, silver paints,
  • decentralized, even lighting,
  • pragmatism and functionality as the basis of planning.

Is it possible to bring this specificity to the holy of holies, namely in the bedroom? Of course, yes, if you feel that you are detached from the hustle, restrained, utilitarian high-tech consistent with your philosophy of relaxation.

The main characteristics of high-tech style. Color spectrum

High-tech interiors, which Western designers first showed the world in the 70s, at first were perceived exclusively as art objects. From its predecessors, constructivism and abstractionism, hi-tech inherited angular lines and strict monochrome gamut, and hardly such a space at that time could seem cozy and comfortable.

However, already in the 2000s, this style was waiting for a wave of unprecedented popularity. And to this day it is widely used for decoration of city apartments and offices. Functionality, manufacturability, ergonomics - these are the main characteristics of this area.

You can learn hi-tech style by the following features:

  • the predominance of the right lines and clear shapes,
  • contrasting color combinations,
  • artificial materials and glossy coatings (glass, chromed metal, etc.),
  • modern furniture, expensive appliances, electronics, etc.

The main colors of the style are white, gray and black, design is rarely seen in bright and pure shades: lemon, orange, scarlet, pink, etc. The hi-tech style palette is composed mainly of cold tones - blue, cyan, gray-green. Metal coatings are also represented by “cold” options such as chrome, steel and nickel.

Windows and doors

When choosing windows and doors, discard the tree in favor of plastic and glass. Large and open windows, framed by neat plastic frames, fill the room with light. Ideally, if it will be panoramic windows.

Hi-tech style doors can be glass, mirror or metal. Instead, thick high-tech curtains and square arches are sometimes used.

The door to the high-tech bedroom is recommended glass, metal or mirror


How to choose a curtain for a bedroom in high-tech style? Often in urban interiors there are large windows without any draperies. Of course, this is a great option in terms of design, but many people do not imagine a bedroom without curtains. Nevertheless, it is not worth decorating the windows with traditional curtains and magnificent tulle - high-tech allows only the simplest and most discreet textiles.

Dark gray curtains are perfect for a high-tech bedroom.

Ideal hi-tech curtains are all kinds of blinds.
However, a more familiar window design is also allowed. Hi-tech curtains can be dense and heavy, any neutral shade. A tulle made of the lightest fabric with a metallic shine, which will be supported by chrome hi-tech cornices, is also suitable. Roman and Japanese curtains will be appropriate.

Picking up hi-tech curtains in the bedroom, you can stop at more unusual options - for example, noodle curtains. But in those cases when the interior is clearly too cold and uncomfortable, it makes sense to hang high-tech textile curtains.

High-tech bedroom lighting

High-tech style is based on contrasting combinations of colors and textures, as well as on the alternation of light and shadow in complex geometric forms. That is why a carefully thought-out lighting system is one of the main components of a hi-tech interior. Numerous lighting fixtures - high-tech floor lamps, LED lamps and ceiling lights - create an effective play of light on the polished furniture facades.

Hi-tech lighting is decentralized, i.e. attention is not focused on the main source of light - the ceiling chandelier. Of course, hi-tech pendant chandeliers are also present in the interior, but only in certain areas. Numerous other light sources will complement them: high-tech wall lamps, high-tech table lamps, and of course, built-in lighting for the ceiling and furniture.

High-tech ceiling chandeliers are sometimes replaced with spotlights, especially in the case of a multi-level ceiling. Even individual furniture items (for example, a dressing table with a mirror or a bed) can have their own LED backlight.

What kind of high-tech lights are they? As a rule, these are expensive designer models that are made of modern materials and have a simple and concise design. A high-tech wall lamp can resemble a spotlight, and a high-tech floor lamp can be a street lamp. Modern hi-tech chandeliers and pendant lights in high-tech style are equipped with long cords and metal shades.

Hi-tech “loves” cold light. If hi-tech chandeliers have white bulbs, then individual objects, such as high-tech sconces, can emit blue, blue, and purple. Such lighting will immediately make the atmosphere a bit futuristic.

Hi-tech bedroom accessories

Initially, the design of the bedroom in high-tech style did not imply “decor for decor.” But today, for decorating walls, designers use photo wallpaper, posters, posters with an abstract image, modular hi-tech paintings, etc.

If you don’t feel like gluing photo wallpapers and wall posters, choose useful and stylish things. For example, a wall clock consisting of only two hands or a mirror of several irregularly shaped modules. A high-tech electronic watch is also suitable.

Plants will help to give the atmosphere a little coziness, only they should not be planted in ordinary pots, but in original high-tech vases. A dressing table or shelf will be decorated with a small abstract sculpture.

A fireplace is another way to add some home warmth. There are practically no traditional high-tech wood-burning fireplaces, but a modern rotary electric fireplace will not only warm, but also ennoble the interior.

The interior of the bedroom in high-tech style will appeal to people who are interested in future technologies and appreciate the ultra-modern design. Of course, the home atmosphere in the usual sense is absent here. Nevertheless, the minimalistic design of the hi-tech bedroom at first sight captivates with its elegance and expensive simplicity.

High-tech furnishings - bedrooms

Bed - ergonomics, laconicism of outlines, scale and mobility are inherent in it. These are mainly low, wide, without backs and legs platforms, which, however, are capable of transformation, because they are equipped with sliding wheels and shelves, sections for storing clothes, laptop stands. The style of advanced technology requires that the height of the bed is also easily changed, the level of inclination of the headboard is regulated.

Prompt. An interesting option is a capsule bed with a set of built-in technical devices, including a TV. Equipping such a system with illumination, you get two in one: a place not only for relaxation, but also for working in comfortable, "bed" conditions.
Moreover. If there is no constraint in the means, you can order a “smart” bed with built-in gadgets that collect information about the pose in which a person rests and adjusts the mattress to the specific needs of the body.

Keychains in high-tech style, most often hidden, recessed in the walls. But this is not about banal compartment lockers with mirror doors. Such a piece of furniture has become too common, and banality is the enemy of hi-tech. In the trend are cabinets with hinged, aluminum-trimmed doors, as well as radius corner corner wardrobes.

However, do not become a captive of fashion trends. Choose furniture that will "work", primarily for functionality and comfort.

Dresser, dressing table, chair - All this can be nicely entered into a hi-tech bedroom. Look for objects that combine external asceticism with undeniable originality.

For example, a chair can be in the form of a tablet, a cube with a recess, a stool with a back and chrome armrests ... Up to the lodgement (pilot's seat). And the cabinet is in the form of a safe or a prism without legs. Remember that the key to the success of high-tech style is the balance of simplicity and unusualness, clarity and streamline contour.

High-tech bedroom: layout details

One of the mistakes that lay people often make is hi-tech simplification. Having learned that fanciful lines are categorically forbidden, people pick up and group objects so that they form solid and dull parallel lines. But rigor, geometricity does not mean straightforward. And from the right angles it’s even better to turn up, otherwise you will gain not a high-tech, but a primitive surrogate.
The absolute practicality inherent in style implies that the furniture is where it is easiest to use. The bed, as a key piece of furniture, is placed in the center. A table, if at all appropriate, is nearby. Often, instead of a table at the head, they put the simplest low shelf for the right little things. Indeed, for a connoisseur of hi-tech, a bedroom is not a boudoir, but a place where he comes to restore wasted strength.

Lighting role

Of course, you will not need either a crystal chandelier, a flower bed, or classic sconces with textile floor lamps. There are two universal options for creating a high-tech bedroom lighting scenario. These are flat techno-lamps “pressed” into the ceiling and walls giving an even, confident light. Or pendant string lights on metal brackets. Plafonds of such devices should be exemplary geometric silhouettes or surprise with an unexpected transition from form to form, torn, broken lines.

A large floor lamp may also be useful - in the form of, for example, a honeycomb cube, an elegant sphere on a chrome stand, a shiny cone, a cylinder or a “flying saucer”. Such a floor lamp will fulfill the duties of an art object.

Prompt. Make sure that the fasteners of the lighting fixtures are cold metallic shades - chrome, nickel, lead, silver. Bronze and gold can ruin the passionless charisma of style.

Hidden light sources - consider the "chip" hi-tech. They are hidden in the ceiling niches, placed at the foot of the bed or along the shelf, which serves as a storage system. Hidden LED lamps of blue, greenish or lilac glow “spread” the room, as it were, divide it into “islands” and enhance the futuristic atmosphere.

Prompt. Give preference to smart lamps with remote control (using a smartphone), brightness and color controls.

They have lighting devices, relying primarily on functional expediency. Let the lighting on the ceiling provide basic lighting, and the “fireflies” in the zone of the bed and armchair, near the mirror, and the main storage systems will provide local lighting. The larger the bedroom, the more light sources will be needed.

Color scheme

The foundation of high-tech style remains clean, neutral, cool tones. But if you look at the latest catalogs of the best interiors, you will see how high-tech has changed. Bright colors appeared in it - splashes of blue, red, carrot, egg yellow, brown and beige shades.

Is it possible or not to use lush or warm colors in a high-tech setting?

Yes, but meticulously and dosed. If, for example, the walls are silver-gray, and the bed is white, leather, then a blue rug or a yellow armchair will not only not spoil, but also emphasize the strict “dress code” of your bedroom. The main thing is that there should be not just a few objects of juicy color, but a minimum - ideally one or two, if the bedroom is large.

Another rule is not to introduce pastel, “marshmallow” shades into the decor. White, silver, black, graphite, dark brown, bluish tones, characteristic of high-tech as a whole, it is better to “reinforce” with contrasting, saturated colors.

Prompt. If the bedroom has plenty of black, anthracite, gray colors, an excellent complement will be an object (even a pillow) of bright red, lemon, canary color. And try to “lighten up” light base tones with splashes of fuchsia or sea wave.

Decor and accessories

Hi-tech does not like “familiar” jewelry. The place of painting in such an environment is occupied by monitors and screens, and statuettes and trinkets are chromed, nickel-plated, glass mounts and fittings.
However, there are objects ready to be related to the ideas of pragmatism, urbanism and futurism.

On the wall, as already mentioned, you can stick a large and expressive black and white photo. Or hang a watch with a puzzle-like dial. And put on a table or floor a glass designer vase of mean, minimalist shapes. The rest of the decor will be a carpet and a blanket of alternative color to the walls, ceiling and floor.

Yes, hi-tech doesn't like too much. He is for those who do not regret anything, do not nostalgia, do not indulge in long-term memories. Choosing a high-tech, you declare to the world that you live now, in these minutes ... And partly - in tomorrow.

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